Welcome Cinema Buffs!

There’s probably a hundred ways to interpret a movie scene, plot or a character. Some based on taste and some on mere ignorance. This blog of mine will focus on the latter one.

There is a plot to begin with, which include various sub-plots. A movie-maker can either use a complex plot to make it interesting (Primer) or he’ll try to use you as the tool to add to the complexity (Shutter Island).

Nolan is one movie maker who has been successful with his strategy of using the viewer as a tool for his movie. The scope for error is quite small with such a type of writing.

You don’t really want it to work out. You want to be fooled

The Prestige

Complex plots can only be simplified by observing minute details and rearranging them one over other. Whereas, the second type of movie-making is where the real deal is, since we need more than details to reach a conclusion, we need intuition.

We’ll be discussing both types of Movies/TV Series.

P.S. This is my first time